

This one's for the brokenhearted.

This is for the girl who gave all she had, only to find out he really didn't love her the way he said he did - he really only wanted what he wanted, not what she wanted. For the times he swore he would be there, but when she needed him most, he conveniently found himself "busy". For the guy who really believed her when she said they were "just friends" only to find them together two weeks later. This is for anyone who wants to trust again, but feels like it's impossible to forget the past.

Let me assure you, when you find someone trustworthy, it's worth it.

Take your time. Find any form of positivism and run with it. Spend time with people who will keep you where the light is - and people who will remind you that you're beautiful. Think outside of yourself and you'll soon come to see that the heart of life is good. The most inefficient thing is to become jaded, to assume everyone will always let you down. Trust me when I say there's sincere people in this world - it's just a matter of finding them and avoiding the ones that aren't.

Always remember that when it's good, it will feel like it should.


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