
Got Your Back

What really does it mean to say "I love you?"

I've asked myself this question countless times. Love is such a beautiful concept and I often wonder what it really means. I wonder if we minimize the term when we say "I love Subway" or "I love that black polo"...What does it mean to love something, or perhaps someone?

Lately I've been thinking about this:

"I've got your back."

Think about what that means.

It means no matter what you do, I'm behind you. No matter what you say, I'm in your corner. No matter what, I got your back. I can't think of a more appropriate image of love.

I got your back.

So from now on, I'm going to show love by my actions and say that I've got your back. I've learned talk is cheap and that it means absolutely nothing until you back it up with movement, with progression, with rhythm. It's so easy to just settle in and become static with relationships but it's time we all start thinking about what we mean when we say "I love you..."

So please, say it more often. But more importantly, back it up with action. KL.



Check out this story. His picture says it all...





If you've ever watched a band play live, you know what this is. The drums, the bass, and the guitar must all be in rhythm to be able to play something that resonates to the core of the audience. The original word for rhythm comes from the Greek word "rhythmos" which means any measured flow, movement, or progression.

This is about fighting off the "vultures" to eventually find RHYTHM.

This is about celebrating life when things just seem to flow and rising above the disappointment when they don't. This is about never throwing in the towel, no matter what. Anyone can collapse when the rain picks up but it takes courage to walk through the storm to the other side (and here's the important part): holding your head high through the entire journey.

This is about choosing freedom over resentment, choosing patience over instant gratification, choosing the hard-fought victory over the easy way out. This is about actions speaking louder than words. This is about the girl who steps into her new shoes and begins to understand why they feel so sweet - because she didn't fall hard to the temptation of giving up, she doesn't believe in the white flag. She instead walks through the door labeled "persistance", which then quickly takes her to the most beautiful place a person can experience: harmony, uninterrupted happiness, and ultimately, peace.

This is about being persistant in the moment but also realizing that it's not the last hurdle to overcome. This is about the guy who sets out to run 3 miles but runs 4 instead because he's preparing for tomorrow.

This is about accepting who you are today and finding someone who will love you through the liabilities.
This is about the college student who changes her major a half a dozen times and still has no clue where she wants to be. But she doesn't stop pushing herself; she tries new things and eventually finds exactly the career she was looking for. This is about waiting for what you want but proactively seeking it.

This is about caring more about others than about ourselves.

This is about ending this war and bringing our troops home where they belong. This is about peace. This is about Obama's ideas on changing things.

This is about the pursuit of harmony, the expression of creativity, and the appreciation of unknown waters.

This is about all of us wanting to become more than we are.

This is about rhythm. KL.


From Deep Down...

I've had a crazy last few days. I drove 6 hours north to Niagara Falls and saw the most beautiful waterfall ever, drove another hour and a half north to Toronto to see John Mayer, and last night I went with some friends to see him again in "Dirty" Jersey. I sit here with my coffee feeling more inspired than I've ever been in my entire life - and it feels amazing.

I realize my bias here; I've been a fan of JM for years. I have rooted for him and I (probably) always will root for him - I say probably because "always" is a word I've learned to be very careful about. Anyways, back to the point.

The first may be something that you don't want to think about (I don't either, but it leads to something very important) and what we want to hear and what we need to hear usually feel very different. There's a reason for that.

It's about judgments, assumptions, and stereotypes - it's about the most dangerous drug we can experiment with. There's the appetizer, here's the entree.

If you think about what judgment is at it's core, it's essentially someone saying that they have some sort of standard that isn't congruent with yours. It's when things are not in harmony, the exact oposite of "shalom". Judgment can be anything; something as simple as "Your shoes suck!" or "You listen to John Mayer?!? He's such a douche." A sense of judgment originates with arrogance and here's where it turns toxic:

Judgment leads to self-consciousness, which then inevitably leads to a level of insecurity that has permeated our culture and has become extremely poisonous to every single one of us. I realize there's dark and there's light. I need to be clear here; I'm referring to preferences, not morals.

But negativity never frees the captive, it only enslaves them longer and brings about more injustice. So think about your words and always remember that sticks and stones will break your bones but words will always do more damage (yes, I know I said "always"). Enjoy who you are tonight, not who you would be if you changed this or that - and that means accepting the insecurities and the talents. Push yourself to be the best you can be? Absolutely. But always make sure you have plans Friday night for fear of sitting alone in your room? Not anymore. I'm done with that approach.

Don't tear others down in an attempt to build yourself up. Root for others. Celebrate with them when they work hard to succeed and take them out to dinner when they're "covered in rain" because things didn't quite go as planned.

I truly believe love can set us free, we just have to let it. KL.


Keep Moving

There is just so much to say and so little time; but I need to share some truth with you. I unfortunately have come to realize that life is shorter than we expect or ever truly comprehend. People talk so much about "mid-life" crisis but I'm feeling more like there's an inevitable "quarter-life" crisis that hits around your mid-20's. Almost every adult I know between the ages of 18-25 are frustrated with where they are because this sobering question won't go away, "Is this all there is?"

From the time we were running around carrying Super Mario lunchboxes, we were told that we could become anything we want. Really? Anything? There's two things I've always wanted to be: the 2nd baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies (if it wasn't for that Chase Utley fellow) or a performer of some sort - preferably a singer.

After arriving in Niagara Falls, I met one hell of a Canadian who had hair down to his back and a smile that went from ear to ear. Perhaps one of the most laid back people I've met, he ushered us out to his porch and we were instantaneoulsy in a different world - a beautiful world. I went from hearing loud noises in the city to hearing the quiet of the country. I went from wondering where I was to kicking my feet up on a chair without a care in the world.

If you're not careful, you'll miss these moments. They walk by us so often without warning but on this day, I knew I was going to stop to listen, to sit on the porch, to relax. I had to - mainly because when truth hits our existence and coincides with our "belief" systems, we can't help but slow down and inhale. And hopefully smile ear to ear.

Life rarely fits perfectly in the picture frame (the way we originally thought it up) but it's important, and even essential, to keep moving - to refuse to settle for becoming static. You'll see if you just give it time, you'll find what you're looking for. I know I did and it's so much better than the original drawing ever would've been. But I wouldn't have known that if I didn't keep moving.

So keep moving, find a new interest. Decide to learn something new everyday. Don't ever settle for the status quo. If it feels good right away, you haven't bought a big enough canvas. Pick up an instrument you've never played and find a melody that resonates deep within your being. And when you finally hit that note, realize that no one can ever take that away from you. No matter what.

Want what your heros want, not what your heros have. KL.


I'm Not Together But I'm Gettin There...

"Don't give up, give up, give up." KL.