
Following the Unpopular Road

I love people who refuse to conform to the way the tide has always turned. I admire people who stand up for the right thing, especially when they show love, respect, and humanitarianism through communicating their message. That's why I love Martin Luther King Jr so much. Today I am reminded of the legacy he left and the impression it has made on my life. If i had just a small portion of the courage, compassion, and conviction he had...

A professor at Drew University said, "We must remember how unpopular he was. If we forget that, then it seems like the only people we can get behind must be popular. Following King meant following the unpopular road."

King once said, "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

So may we all, in our hectic lives, slow down at least for a day to remember Martin Luther King Jr and the things he believed in and may we take the time to study what he dreamed of and may we imagine where our country would be without his voice, his influence, and his passion.

Stand up for what's right. But more importantly, do it peacefully.


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