
Borders Parking Lot - Say

Last night I had the privilege of going to Borders with a sweet girl and we read through some books on different dog breeds of every kind. After the wonderful puppy talk, we were walking out and got into a brief, but somewhat deep discussion about candidness, sincerity, adherence, directness, reliability, straightforwardness, etc. And I'd like to SAY a few things on that.

Don't SAY you'll never leave when you've already bought the flight, don't SAY you're along for the ride when you've already mapped out another road, don't SAY you'll always love me after just telling him the same.

Don't build me up, just to watch me break. just SAY what you need to SAY.

"It's better to SAY too much, than never have to SAY what you need to SAY again." -JM

Keep fighting, it's coming around. KL.

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