
This Is My Reaffirmation

I wanna move on
with the rest of my life.

...because yesterday's shutting down. Everyday we have another opportunity to reconstruct and reassemble who we are becoming. I love fresh starts, clean slates, new beginnings. That's why I cherish springtime, I love to see things come back to life, and I can sense my plant starting to blossom again. This is my reaffirmation: I'm gonna move on with the rest of my life.

Check out David Ryan Harris - Yesterday's Shutting Down. KL.


Borders Parking Lot - Say

Last night I had the privilege of going to Borders with a sweet girl and we read through some books on different dog breeds of every kind. After the wonderful puppy talk, we were walking out and got into a brief, but somewhat deep discussion about candidness, sincerity, adherence, directness, reliability, straightforwardness, etc. And I'd like to SAY a few things on that.

Don't SAY you'll never leave when you've already bought the flight, don't SAY you're along for the ride when you've already mapped out another road, don't SAY you'll always love me after just telling him the same.

Don't build me up, just to watch me break. just SAY what you need to SAY.

"It's better to SAY too much, than never have to SAY what you need to SAY again." -JM

Keep fighting, it's coming around. KL.


Brewsky - Amazing Grace

A few months ago, I finally did it. I took the plunge. I've wanted to for years but I never had the flexibility to go through with it. However, I've learned so much since...

I bought my first dog. His name is Brewsky and he's a 4 month old lemon beagle. The best part of my day involves coming home from work and being greeted by him. Sometimes he almost knocks me over and he's less than 20 lbs. He constantly makes me laugh and I absolutely love him.

But he screws up, a lot. Sometimes he does stuff that's really annoying like chewing up my laptop charger or my cell phone or my books. He recently tore apart my favorite flip flops, which kinda pissed me off.

But here's whats so intriguing. Brewsky messes up again and again, but everyday I wake up and I love him just as much (if not more) as I did the day before. Regardless of how he acts, I love him. There's nothing he can do to make me love him more and there's nothing he can do to make me love him less.

I'm learning a little taste of what God's love for us is like.



Yesterday, my buddy and I went on a hike and I realized something insightful. Whether I spend a week and hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon or spend a couple hours and hike in Green Lane, I always walk out of the woods with a new sense of awe towards God and His wonderful creation.

Our lives are so busy and I was reminded today about the importance of slowing down and experiencing beauty. It's so easy to just go through the routine of life without stopping to inhale what God created.

I'm going to stop doing so much and start enjoying myself.



It's About Time for Eli

i love stories of david slaying goliath. when i watch sports, you can count on me cheering for the team who everyone doubts, regardless. unless the underdog is the cowboys. i always want them to lose.

im excited that eli manning is in the superbowl. peyton is always in the spotlight and its about time eli gets some respect for his talent. ever since he entered the NFL, hes been compared to one of the best (if not the best) quarterbacks in the game. and hes never made excuses. so even if goliath destroys david in the superbowl, im happy david is finally playing on the greatest stage in football.

try slingin a rock at his forehead little guy. KL.

Strong Move Slow

I think it's fair to say that relationships can be puzzling, elaborate, and even problematic at times. They certainly aren't black and white, cut and dry. But that's what makes them exciting because nothing worth anything is ever easy. I'm convinced theres a reason the strong move slow.

But it's not only complicated off the starting blocks. Relationships begin to require something - but not just anything, not just the leftovers. To love requires self abandonment, transparency, susceptibility, vulnerability, etc. and sometimes vulnerability is really tough because it means that your risking getting hurt.

But without accessibility, connection is impossible. without honesty, intimacy is impossible, without risking being hurt, love is impossible.

So, welcome vulnerability with open arms and love like you'll never see me again.



Following the Unpopular Road

I love people who refuse to conform to the way the tide has always turned. I admire people who stand up for the right thing, especially when they show love, respect, and humanitarianism through communicating their message. That's why I love Martin Luther King Jr so much. Today I am reminded of the legacy he left and the impression it has made on my life. If i had just a small portion of the courage, compassion, and conviction he had...

A professor at Drew University said, "We must remember how unpopular he was. If we forget that, then it seems like the only people we can get behind must be popular. Following King meant following the unpopular road."

King once said, "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

So may we all, in our hectic lives, slow down at least for a day to remember Martin Luther King Jr and the things he believed in and may we take the time to study what he dreamed of and may we imagine where our country would be without his voice, his influence, and his passion.

Stand up for what's right. But more importantly, do it peacefully.



Soulful Music

I've never been the same after I first heard Lynard Skynard's song "Freebird". The windows were down, we were in my dad's truck on the open road, and Lynard was killing the sickest solo I'd ever heard. I kept waiting for it to stop, but I was so glad it didn't. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday...and it was amazing.

I'm convinced there is just something about music that digs deep within our souls and hits us in intricate ways. There aren't many things that inspire me more than listening to the lyrics of a song or waiting for the guitar solo to come crashing in. I used to date this girl who would get so frustrated with me because everytime we were in my car, I'd blast my new favorite song. She always told me to turn it down. We obviously didn't work out.

I listen to my music loud and I love to sing.



First Tat

It's greek for "Love is enough for me."



Arthur Bennett's Prayer

"Let me learn by paradox
that the way down is the way up
that to be low is to be high
that the broken heart is the healed heart
that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit
that the repenting soul is the victorious soul
that to have nothing is to possess all
that to bear the cross is to wear the crown
that to give is to receive
that the valley is the place of vision"

I'd Like to Introduce You to a Man...

Why are there so many people in this world who absolutely hate their job? If you're like me and you can relate to that, I'd like to introduce you to a man. His name is David.

David is not your average guy. He acts a little different than "normal people" (whatever normal is). He talks really slow and he says the same thing over and over again. But there's something special about David. Something unique. Something beautiful.

Years ago, David was hit by a car and he's never been the same since. Most people would become bitter, angry, or senile. But not David. He's not your average guy. Everyday he walks around greeting everyone with a smile and a loud "Good morning!! How are you? This is a beautiful day..." even if it's been raining outside, with freezing winds, he still says the same thing. This is a beautiful day.

I know David because he's the guy who puts the grocery store carts away at Landis Supermarket. He's been pushing carts for over 16 years. And he still loves his job. 16 years. Pushing carts. This guy deserves some kind of persistence award.

I know what you're thinking. Listen Kyle, you don't know what I put up with at work. This guy Brian always annoys me or I have the most boring job you could imagine. Fair enough, I don't know where you work. But I know what David does everyday. For 8 hours. Rain or shine. Wind or snow. He pushes carts, but not only does he push carts...he loves it.

My favorite thing about David is not that he's so positive and upbeat, but that he's actually sincere. I think our world is missing sincerity and when we actually see it, we cling to it. I think that's why I love David. I think that's why everyone loves David. His happiness is genuine and everyone knows it. I've heard countless people say, "I wish I was more like him. He's just so positive." Yeah, believe me. I know, I wish I was too.

And then one day it hit me right in the face. It was kinda cold in our office and all of us were complaining about how uncomfortable it was. I was ready to call the CEO of univest and tell him he better stop being so freakin cheap and turn on the damn heat. Maybe not using those exact words, but you get the idea. And then David came inside after pushing carts for a few hours. His face was red, he was breathing kinda heavy, and he was all bundled up with 6 layers. I said, "David! How in the world can you stand the weather outside? I'm cold in here!" and with a smile he looked at me and said, "It's not cold if your dressed for it!"
It was that exact moment I realized God was trying to teach me a lesson.

What if we actually embraced the idea of finding the beauty in whatever comes our way? How would our world look different if we did? How would we look different if we did?

I love when God uses unexpected people to teach us such profound truths. Thank you God, for creating people like David.

I need to end this post with something my mom used to tell me. "Make sure you see the beauty in life. No one can see it for you." Thanks mom.
Being thankful. KL.