
After Hours

As I'm training for my triathlon, I'm learning a lot about myself. It's been quite interesting to see progression in my times, my motivation, and my excitement as I finish with more contentment than ever. There's something about long distance training that tests your perseverance like nothing else.

I'm learning that behind the glory of finishing something difficult in life, there are hours of hard work and sweat when no one is watching. There are late nights of fighting for something you believe in, when everyone else has gone to bed. And it's in those times where character is made - when most people grab a water, I approach the hill with a smile because (like Kanye said) I'm better than I've ever been.

Last night I was riding the bike and decided that I was going to ride for 30 minutes at a fast pace. I always have a goal in mind before I ever run, bike, or swim - ya gotta know where you're going before you can get there. My goal was to keep a pace of riding 1 mile every 3 minutes. After 10 minutes, my legs started to burn and I thought about slowing the pace. Immediately, I put that thought out of my mind and went faster.

I pushed through the next few minutes and was 15 seconds behind keeping my pace of a mile every 3 minutes. I looked at my watch and saw I was coming up on 27 minutes, which meant I really had to push to reach my goal of 10 miles in 30 minutes.

And the last 3 minutes was all up hill - how fitting, I thought to myself.

I gripped the bars, put my head down, closed my eyes, and put everything out of my mind. I didn't even give myself a chance to think about times - I pushed my legs into the pedals as hard as I could. As I got closer to 30 minutes, I knew I had to give it everything I had. My legs were burning, my heart rate was at 180, and I felt amazing. With 20 seconds left, I had a tenth of a mile to go and just before 30 minutes passed, I hit 10 miles.

Insert amazing feeling here.

Work hard for what you want and you'll see what I mean.


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