
Family Love

This blog has been running around upstairs for quite some time now and I'm sorry that it's long overdue. There are three people in my life who have meant more to me than I could ever express. If you want to know who your real friends are, if you want to know who really cares, look around when the storm hits and you'll see who's got your back. Notice who calls you randomly to see how your doing, who takes you out to dinner just because they know you love Mexican food, or who stands up for you, regardless - and you'll see family.

That's what "family" is all about - Loving each other, supporting each other, and being there for each other when things are going well and when things aren't. Each person has shown me what it means to be family and I'd like to share with you exactly how they've taught me that.

The first person is my Uncle John, one of the most loving people I know. He has given me some of the best advice in the last year or so and when he speaks, I listen. He's sensitive when he needs to be and strong when he needs to be. He always encourages, uplifts, and supports me and that means more than giving $50 for a birthday gift or anything else for that matter. When my parents got divorced, he was there. When "she" fell apart, he was there. When things were said that didn't need to be said, he was there. He has taught me that family supports you, no matter what.

The second person is my Aunt Kathy - my second mom. No one has been more positive, accessible, or unselfish. I know I could call her at anytime in the night and she would be on her way if I ever needed anything. She's taught me about loyalty, the most important characteristic in what it means to be a true friend. She has listened to me process so many things and has given me advice when it's needed - without judging. She knows when to talk and when to listen, which is so rare. Sometimes I just need someone to listen to me and she always does that so well. If it wasn't for my Aunt Kathy, I honestly have no idea where I'd be - but it wouldn't be pretty. She has been a life-saver for me in more than one occasion. I love her so much because her actions actually back up her words, which is quite refreshing. She's the perfect example of what an aunt should be.

The third person is my mom who has taught me so much because she didn't defend me when the teachers said I was being disrespectful in class. When I've been in financial trouble, rather than paying my way (which I know she wanted to do) she's taught me the value of working hard for something and fully appreciating it. She understands that the best sometimes feels the worst, but she's always been there to hear me out. I couldn't imagine having a mom that loves her 2 boys more than Maryann does. The only person I wanted to talk to on June 13th was my mom. She's the best mom a son could ever ask for.

I write this simply to highlight what family looks like.

The point: Love your family and appreciate them.

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