
On a Rainy Day

After a good nights rest, I woke to a downpour I didn't expect. I planned to take Brewsky (my dog) to the park for a long walk...

And I was reminded that we rarely anticipate the rain to turn into downpour. We subconsciously know it's coming from time to time, but we expect it to drizzle. - but it never just drizzles, does it?

It comes in buckets, in bunches, in storms. Darkness surrounds you and you're drenched. Head to toe - You're covered in rain. You wonder if it's ever going to slow down. You beg for a break, you drop to your knees and pray that it would stop. But it doesn't.

And then you begin to realize that there's a certain beauty being covered in rain. - a beauty you never allowed yourself to see.

Because you begin to see there's a reason for pain. There's a purpose for the downpour. And when you permit your heart and mind to feel that, life somehow makes more sense. You begin to feel the pleasure in pain because you know the storm has an end. Your senses are now filled with optimism and you're more prepared to stare at the next storm right in the eye and say "I'm ready for whatever you've got"

And that's where I am today. KL.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

This may or may not be about just rain. But I read it as more than rain. Kudos.