
It's About Time for Me To Shine

I decided to sleep on the beach this weekend and like the sunshine in my eyes, I knew I needed to change some habits in my life. I'd quickly like to share a few things before I detour for a couple months.

1. We live in a beautiful world - with more potential than we can even comprehend.

2. I have much to do.

3. Life is only as good as you make it. If things aren't "right" (whatever 'right' means) re-evaluate the methods and decide to live a different way.

No more living for the pleasure, I'm living for tomorrow. Take care of one another. Don't cut people off in traffic. Hold the door for others. Be practical. Think about the way you're living. Change the world with your own two hands and your own beating heart. Start today.

I'm going silent now, but I will return - when it's back together again. KL.

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