
If You Love Me, Won't You Let Me Know?

I've never really found it advantageous either for myself or for others to hold my cards close to my chest and expect others to read my two pair, ace high. Growing up in a home where both my brother and I were taught to tell others how we felt has allowed me to reject this notion our country has - that men are forbidden to express feelings, especially feelings of emotion, vulnerability, and love. It breaks my heart to hear someone tell me, "My dad never told me he loved me" or "My brother never hugs me"...that's about the point in the conversation where I hug them tight and tell them they are loved.

Now before I come across as being overly sentimental, I realize there's a time to show composure in a moment of weakness. I strongly believe in the man being solid emotionally. Fair enough, but I think it's gotten a little out of hand.

The typical American father spends more time working toward the promotion than teaching him about the right way to treat people (especially women). We're more concerned with buying the addition to the house than sitting down with her and asking her about herself. We care more about buying the new jet ski than instilling grace, honesty, and ultimately love.

My mom recently told me about someone she knows who has devoted his entire life to his career. He drives a sweet car, lives in a big house, and pretty much can afford any vacation he wants. However, his son once told him that he'd trade his time for his gifts anyday of the week. Interesting.

It's time to condense the post for the reader...

It all comes down to priorities.

What's important to you? What's important to your family? What if our country cared more about family than materialism? How would our families look different? How would our children look different?

I have a deep sense of hope for the future of families in America. I urge you, the reader, to stop and think about someone you love. Perhaps it's your aunt, your spouse, or your child. When's the last time you hugged them? When's the last time you told them they were beautiful? When's the last time you said "I love you"?

Don't hold back any longer. Kiss her when you leave for work and see the difference it makes when you get home. Send her flowers for no reason at all; not because it's Valentine's Day or because you screwed up. Do it without any ulterior motives or without hidden expectations of getting "play" after a glass of wine. Do it because you love her with every inch of your being and you couldn't think of a better way to spend a couple bucks. And finally, please...

Say "I love you" more often
And mean it. KL.

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