
Give Out an "A"

In a world full of assessments, judgements, and measurements sometimes we need to be reminded to see the possibility in people before we measure them up against our standards.

Imagine if you were taking a class that you felt insecure about. For me, it would certainly be science. You already know this course isn't your bread and butter. You sit down on the first day of class, the teacher walks in, and says, "Good morning class - I have an announcement to make. Each of you will receive an "A" for this class as long as you follow 2 rules: be on time and take diligent notes each class."

Rather than being nervous about being measured to the other students, I'd feel an immediate desire to want to do those two simple things: be on time and pay attention. Rather than worrying about seeing that red "F" on my first test, I would be solely focused on paying attention and learning new information.

So here's my idea:

In an effort to be less judgemental and more approachable, I'm going to look at people and give them an "A" rather than waiting for them to screw up and give them a "C" or perhaps even a "D".

It's just a thought - let's realize we're all on a journey, and we may not be together...

But we're getting there. KL.

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